Hypnotherapy Sessions at Senara Wellbeing

Embark on a transformative journey with Senara Wellbeing’s Hypnotherapy Sessions. In a serene and supportive environment, our adept hypnotherapist, Justine Staines, facilitates a process of deep relaxation and focused attention, empowering you to tap into your subconscious mind and foster positive change.

Utilising a blend of modern hypnotherapy techniques, Justine creates a tailored experience aiming to address your unique needs and concerns. Whether you’re looking to overcome fears, manage stress, or break free from undesired habits, hypnotherapy can provide a gentle, yet powerful pathway towards achieving your goals.

Session Details:

Duration: Each session typically lasts between 60 to 90 minutes, allowing ample time for relaxation, exploration, and discussion.

Setting: Our welcoming space in Thetford, Norfolk, is designed to provide a tranquil atmosphere conducive to deep introspection and personal growth.

Method: Justine employs a holistic approach, utilizing the state of hypnosis to facilitate access to the subconscious mind, unveiling insights and promoting beneficial behavioural shifts.

CALL JUSTINE TODAY ON - 07401 766316

Benefits of Hypnotherapy

Enhanced Self-awareness

Delve into the subconscious to discover underlying beliefs and patterns influencing your life.

Holistic Healing

Address and alleviate both emotional and physical issues from a root level.

Positive Behavior Modification

Cultivate new, healthier habits and let go of old, unbeneficial ones.

What to Expect

Your hypnotherapy journey commences with an initial consultation with Justine to understand your objectives and tailor the sessions to meet your expectations. Throughout the sessions, you’ll be guided into a state of profound relaxation, where therapeutic suggestions are made to your subconscious mind, fostering positive alterations in thought patterns and behaviours.

Ready to explore the healing potential of your mind? Contact us to schedule your hypnotherapy session or to inquire further about our services at Senara Wellbeing.

How much does hypnotherapy cost?



/ session

Hypnotherapy clients all receive a free consultation prior to pursuing any therapy. Sessions are then £90 per session. Sessions can last anywhere between 1 and 2 hours. 

Reduced rate

25% Discount

We offer a 25% discount for clients on lower incomes. 

You may be asked to produce proof of income to take advantage of this discount.


Enquire About a session now

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